Erin Carignan Assistant Professor of Theatre E.Carignan@colostate.edu Ryan Claycomb Professor of English and Theatre; Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs (970) 491.6551 Ryan.Claycomb@colostate.edu Dan Goble Director of the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance (970) 491-5533 Dan.Goble@colostate.edu Patty Goble Instructor of Theatre Patricia.Goble@colostate.edu Zhanna Gurvich Instructor of Theatre Zhanna.Gurvich@colostate.edu Roger Hanna Associate Professor of Theatre; Set Design Roger.Hanna@colostate.edu Saffron Henke Associate Professor of Theatre; Head of Performance Saffron.Henke@colostate.edu Javier Hurtado Assistant Professor of Theatre Javier.Hurtado@colostate.edu Price Jonhston Professor of Theatre price.johnston@colostate.edu Megan Lewis Associate Professor of Theatre; Director of Theatre 970-491-5336 Megan.Lewis@colostate.edu Wesley Longacre Instructor of Theatre Wesley.Longacre@colostate.edu Noah Racey Assistant Professor of Theatre; Head of Musical Theatre (917) 312-4944 Noah.Racey@colostate.edu Debbie Swann Senior Instructor of Theatre Debbie.Swann@colostate.edu Hannah Swanson Instructor of Collaborative Piano hannah.swanson@colostate.edu