Meet Heather Salyer, a third-year student at Colorado State University double majoring in Theatre with a concentration in Performance and History.
1. What upcoming production are you currently preparing for and what is your role?
I just finished associate directing The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui with Walt Jones. This gave me a chance to explore my other passions within theatre that are not performance related. It was an eye opening experience that challenged me to look at a show through a different viewpoint. Right now I am working on Antigone with my classmates in Advanced Topics for Acting. It is fresh because none of us have ever worked on Greek theatre before and Antigone is a powerful story to tell. We have been experimenting with dance and locations while rehearsing to make the text as authentic as Sophocles intended. And auditions are coming up so, who knows what is next!
2. What is your favorite thing about that production you are currently in?
My favorite thing about Antigone is that we are attempting a challenge that few in undergrad do. I've heard from a lot of my friends and even some professors that they have never touched Greek theatre in any aspect other than reading it. I find that odd because theatre today was built upon the Greeks. So, these scripts and stories are raw and powerful. Nothing truly comedic which is exciting when it seems like we do a lot of comedy at CSU.
3. What is your favorite thing about being a theatre major here at CSU?
My favorite thing about being a Theatre Major at CSU is how free you are to explore all areas of theatre within our department. As an actor there can sometimes be a limit to how far you can branch out within the field but at CSU there are few limitations. I am able to act, direct, dramaturg, stage manage, write and I also work in the university paint shop. This means I help paint/build the sets for theatre dance and opera. It is a very welcoming community where you are free to explore and fail as many times as you want.
Story by Natalie Hendricks, SMTD Publicity Intern
4. How did you get into theatre?
I got into theatre at a very young age when my elementary school needed MC's for their event and I volunteered. Ever since I heard the laughter from the audience and was immediately drawn to performing. Since then I joined multiple dance troupes, auditioned for multiple shows and performed in a large chunk of them. In High School I was in nine productions and was in POMS. Since my Freshman Year I have participated in four staged productions and numerous independent projects. Not to mention directing experience and film!

5. What do you hope to do with your degree after graduation?
I plan to continue my education with my undergrad degree from CSU. Great theatre I think stems from experience so I want to travel North America and Europe gaining experience and asking questions. Theatre is also a form of psychology, I mean we are telling people's stories/perspective, so I've been looking into Grad Schools for psychology and acting. Basically, after graduation I am going to go where ever the wind blows me and I want to build off of the education I gained from CSU and the UCA.