A Midsummer Night's Dream 2019 Production Photo

A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare opens at the UCA this weekend

Lovers and madmen have such seething brains, Such shaping fantasies, that apprehend More than cool reason ever comprehends. — William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream The play opens on Oct. 5 If the merriment being experienced by the actors and crew in rehearsing the show is any indication, audiences will love CSU’s upcoming production of […]

University Resident Theatre Association logo

Theatre Director Price Johnston receives national URTA award

  Colorado State University Director of Theatre Price Johnston has been selected to receive an URTA Excellence Award in Undergraduate Training from the University Resident Theatre Association (URTA). in the area of Projection/Media Design. In addition to his role as director, Johnston is associate professor of theatre in Lighting, Sound, and Projection Design. In a […]

Saffron Henke directs comedian Megan Gogerty in Lady Macbeth and Her Pal, Megan

New Theatre professor to teach Shakespeare

Join CSU’s new acting professor, Saffron Henke, as she brings new depth to Reading Shakespeare for the Theatre (TH 240). The course, which is also open to non-theatre majors, covers reading and speaking Shakespeare texts—comedies, sonnets, and romances—to develop various approaches for understanding and performing his work to modern audiences. Prerequisite: TH241 Text Analysis; can […]

One Man, Two Guvnors 2018 Promotional Poster

CSU Theatre cracks up over One Man, Two Guvnors by Richard Bean

An interview with One Man, Two Guvnors director, Walt Jones A fairly new play, One Man, Two Guvnorsby Richard Bean, premiered in 2011 at London’s National Theatre and starred actor James Corden, who reprised the role of Francis Henshall in 2012 on Broadway. The English comedian had won many awards for the comedic TV show, […]

#MeToo graphic

Freshman Theatre Project: #MeToo

In the wake of sexual assault allegations being raised in the public eye over the past few years, statements such as these have become a constant in discussions about sexual crimes. As a response to societal misunderstandings about sexual assault and to bring awareness about the issue, a social movement—known through the hashtag of #MeToo—has dominated popular media as more and more people decide to share their stories.

At Colorado State University, freshman theatre majors in the School of Music, Theatre, and Dance are exploring the #MeToo movement for their annual Freshman Theatre Project. On Nov. 30, two sections of the freshman theatre seminar—33 students altogether—will showcase the work they’ve done over the course of the semester. In order to do so, the students and faculty director Professor Walt Jones turned to the “joint stock” method of acting.

The Laramie Project 2018 Production Photo

CSU Theatre remembers Matthew Shepard with The Laramie Project by Moisés Kaufman

“I give you life in the memory of one who no longer lives. May you have a long life, and may you thank Matthew every day for it.” —Dennis Shepard 2018 marks 20 years since Matthew Shepard’s death. CSU Theatre is presenting The Laramie Project, the seminal production about the Wyoming student’s murder, from Sept. 28 […]